Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry Movie Night  

Featured Movie “The Forge”

February 7, 2025 Starting at 6:00PM in the Fellowship Hall / Free Event 

Please Register Here 

Sunday Evenings – Impact – Led By Mike Taunton

In the Fellowship Hall @ 5:00PM Introducing Impact: a 40-week, video-driven discipleship curriculum designed to help men live a fruitful life and faith.

Tuesday Mornings- Bible Study @ Hamburger Heaven, Led by Warren Jones & Kiah Phillips

Gather together with the guys and be strengthened as you walk through books of the Bible over hot coffee and a great breakfast! The men are currently studying Luke and have a seat at the table for you!

Tuesdays, 6am @ Hamburger Heaven- 5303 Highway 280 South, Birmingham, AL 35242

 Wednesday Evening “Church History” 6:15PM Co-Ed Led by Pastor Jared Cornutt Room 128/130

Wednesday Evening “How to Study the Bible” 6:15PM Co-Ed Led by Melvin Cates Room 127/129

Wednesday Evening 6:15PM “How People Change” Co-Ed Counseling Ministry Led by Allan Smith and Maggie Boggan Room 131

Wednesday Evenings – “Tune My Heart to Sing Your Praise” Co-Ed – Led by Charlie Nicholson Church Library 

Thursday Mornings- Led by Dr. Richard Trader

Come together to dive deep into God’s word with other men and learn more about the call to share God’s truth with our families and the world around. And in doing so, how to prepare to draw closer to Christ and be prepared for the response of the world around us.

Thursday Mornings, 9:30am, Rooms 128 & 130

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)

The Men’s Ministry at North Shelby Baptist exists for the following reasons:

– To help men stand strong in their faith and to be godly men at home, work and everywhere they go.
– To help men grow in the Lord and to be actively involved in mission work.