Worship and Sunday School Times
Worship & Nursery Care
Worship & Nursery Care
Sunday School
Growing Together in God's Word
Have you thought about joining a Sunday School Class? You might be thinking, “Why should I?” Or “What’s in it for me?”
Bible study at 9:15 a.m. every Sunday gives you a chance to learn more about God’s word, your relationship with him and your relationships with your family, neighbors and coworkers. As you grow closer to your fellow classmates, you’ll find that they become great friends and encouragers.
Our Weekly Schedule:
Sunday Morning:
- 8:00AM: Worship Service
- 9:15AM: Sunday School (for all ages)
- 10:30AM: Worship Service
Sunday Evening
- 5:00PM-6:30PM: Adult and Student Discipleship Groups
- 5:00PM-5:30PM: Children’s Preschool Choir (Fall & Spring Semesters)
- 5:30PM-6:00PM: Children’s Bible Drill (Fall & Spring Semesters)
- 5:00PM: Children’s Bible In The Summer! (Summer)
Wednesday Evening
- 5:00PM – 6:15PM: Fellowship Meal (Fall & Spring Semesters)
- 6:15-7:15PM: Bible Study (for all ages)
Click HERE for our detailed calendar
What should I expect when I come to North Shelby?
On Sunday mornings, you will meet the friendly faces of our greeters at each of the main entrances around campus. They are available to answer any questions you may have and help direct you to a Bible Study Class or Worship. You can also expect a warm welcome. Feel free to sit in any vacant seat in our services. We have a time of welcome, worship through song, corporate prayer and preaching. During the service, as a part of our worship, we give tithes and offerings, but as our guest, we just request you place a filled-out information/prayer request card (found in the back of the pews), in one of the offering boxes in the foyer of the sanctuary. The guest information/prayer request card lets us know who attended that day and if you have any questions, or prayer requests, you can place them on the form. Be assured that the ministerial staff will receive your prayer requests and pray for you.
Do I need to dress a certain way to come North Shelby Baptist Church?
Some folks come dressed in jeans, some in suit and tie, or somewhere in-between. So, no, there is no certain way you must dress to attend North Shelby Baptist Church. All are welcome to come and worship the Lord, study His Word, fellowship together, and serve Him.
Is childcare available during Bible Study and Worship Services?
A nursery for children who are 9 weeks old thru Pre-K is provided during both the 8 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. Worship Service. It is also provided during our Sunday School hour from 9:15-10:30. Children who are in kindergarten and older will attend worship with their family, where they are truly valued as a part of the worshiping congregation! Children are provided a safe, clean and loving environment by a qualified and dedicated nursery staff who love children and the Lord. Nursery is also provided for many of the other activities of the church. Nursery Location – on the bottom level of the backside of the main building. Main door is located under the drive through covered area.
What about Wednesday and Sunday Nights?
On Wednesday and Sunday nights at North Shelby we have Bible studies and activities for the whole family. You can park and enter the building in the same manner as Sunday mornings. The activities and services on Wednesday and Sunday nights are more informal and slightly more casual. These services and activities are centered around fellowship and discipleship for children, youth and adults.
Where do I park?
We have visitor parking located close to the main entrance of the church on the upper level parking area. There is also parking located around the back of the building in the lower level parking lot. There is access to the church from the lower level. Handicapped parking is available in all parking locations.